Hey mamas! I love to take my little ones to the zoo, park, and easy hikes. However, I can’t take my current stroller everywhere. So, I have been searching for the best jogging strollers and I came across a really GOOD sale happening right now. BOB strollers are $100 off! Yup, you read it right! $100 OFF!
I’ve narrowed my search to two of my fave BOB strollers:
Infant Bob Revolution Flex 3 Single Jogging Stroller
$449 $349 | Click the image below to buy!

The Flex 3 is lightweight and all terrain. It’s perfect for active, on the go moms. It rides smooth, which makes a huge difference when jogging with a stroller. More importantly, I’ve read nothing but great reviews.
Infant Bob Revolution Pro Single Jogging Stroller
$499 $399 | Click the image below to buy!

Investing in a good stroller
If you’re a first time mom and plan on having more kids, think ahead. Investing in a high quality stroller is a MUST! I made the mistake of buying everything in pink; even my stroller. (I was thinking in the now.) I went through several different ones. Thank goodness for second hand shops. I traded my old stroller for a used good jogging stroller. I regretted not buying a nice stroller in the first place.
My kids are 6 years apart, so I ended up giving or donating everything away. Things like a stroller, carseat, and highchair should be neutral colors if you plan on having multiple kids.
After a while, you’ll notice that the BOB stroller is the most popular among the mommy community. Everyone I talk to raves about them! I think I know which one I’m going to buy.
What are you waiting for? This sale will be ending April 17th. Don’t miss out.
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